The adapted curriculum from our original Courageous Conversations held in 2019-2020 among the three founding groups, StarkFresh, Mt. Olive Baptist Church, and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. It has been field-tested and designed to occur in a social gathering where food is provided as a common currency to make people feel welcome. A warning of sorts, proper use of the curriculum will create situations of extreme emotion from participants as it creates a safe format for one to look inward and assess their own beliefs. This curriculum has created strong personal bonds with other participants and propelled you on a journey of the soul and information-seeking opportunities. This curriculum is taught through guided facilitation by CCORR alumni (CCORRA) several times throughout the year

If you are interested in participating or learning more click the button below to contact us.

CCORR Curriculum

CCORR Lesson #1 - Redlining

CCORR Lesson #2 - White Fragility

CCORR Lesson #3 - White Privilege/ Implicit Bias

CCORR Lesson #4 - Microagression/ Code switching

CCORR Lesson #5 - Redlining/ Urban Renewal

CCORR Lesson #6 – Where do we go from here?

CCORR Lesson #7 - Time to take action